Aww Cambodia

Day 5th in Kampot, Cambodia.

Cambodia and I, it is love at first sight. How do I know? It is simple, I just know…

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Since the moment we arrived I have felt at home here. But not in the literal sense of the word. My inner self feels nurtured and inspired here in the deepest way possible and my soul is drinking the breathtaking beauty of this place in greedy gulps. Yes, I am easily excited by big cities and cultural stimulations yet deep inside I yearn for open green spaces and endless expanses of old growth forests, clean rivers and stunning sunsets. Here in the south of Cambodia, I can get a full serving of nature’s splendid beauty.

This is not all though.

The place makes me feel alive, yet it is so peaceful. The dark eyes of the Cambodian people hold so much warmth and their smiles pull me into their world, a world a few days ago I knew nothing about. The cool breeze in the evenings makes my skin tingle with happiness. The misty hills of Bokor mountains intrigue and confuse me at the same time as the cool, green forest here feels just like the Appalachian Mountains of Asheville NC. The music of the local musicians playing on  Cambodian instruments intoxicates me…

I was preparing to visit a country whose people are broken down by years of war, bloodshed and destruction. What a surprise to find the kindest of nations in one of the most stunning and peaceful landscapes of all Asia. The place is making me think about things that matter. I catch myself brainstorming about the future, always elusive and unpredictable yet to some tiny degree controlled by our aspirations. Here in Kampot we met a lot of foreigners who have started businesses and are calling this piece of paradise home. The bureaucratic process seems easier than in other Asian countries and Cambodia is welcoming foreign investments. We also got to know the work of NGOs and their numerous projects, very inspiring. The wheels in my head are turning, I am starting to get this look on my face that gets Kuba a little nervous as he knows that I am scheming.

“What are you thinking about?” He asks catching me gazing at the streets of the crumbling French villas of Kampot.

“I am not thinking” I reply ” I am planting a little seed that might germinate or not”. But in fact I am thinking that I need to hide from him my obvious infatuation with this little town I can happily call home…

The chill melancholic mood has been with me for five days now. It doesn’t just linger but asks questions and probes the rational parts of my brain. Reading another blogger’s post this morning I stumbled again on Before I die I want to___________ installation. The one in which random people on the street finish this sentence on chalk boards.

It started as a game. I asked the children this question first and then Kuba. It was only fair to pitch in my answer as well. I paraphrased it the question as

Before my Time on this Earth is up I want to___________

so not to scare the children off with the question as Raina is going through the typical eight year old’s “I am scared to die” phase.

Kids and I were quick to answer. Kuba took time to think about it. My thoughtful, serious Kuba…


Climb Half Dome Yosemite
Visit all the USA national parks
Travel the whole entire world
Learn how to do a backflip from the ground
Drive a scooter
Backpack PCT with my family
Learn Polish


Make electronic music
Live closer to my parents
Teach my kids to be critical thinkers
Teach my kids Polish
Design the building of my architectural career
Travel in the Northern countries
Live in a dense urban environment for a while
Come up with a meaningful idea that can change lives
Do some volunteer humanitarian work
Get a science degree
Learn one more of the major languages, preferably Spanish


Have another kitty cat
Try all kinds of different foods
Go to every single place in the world
Open a bakery
Own a scooter (copy cat)
Have a farm
Have doll studio/shop
Learn how to knit dolls


Make a six pack
Climb Kilimanjaro
Learn to kite surf
Travel Australia and New Zealand with a camper
Go back to painting
Settle down in a small house with an orchard, pets and farm animals
Live in Japan for a year
Figure out how to not go back to 8 to 5 desk job
Bicycle through South America
Make a spiritual retreat center

Now you know our deepest desires, lol. They might change next week but for today they stand strong.

Care to share yours?

I hope you will brave to break the cyber silence so I know I am not mumbling to myself, lol.


6 thoughts on “Aww Cambodia

  1. Save humanity
    Make the world better than it was
    Play music
    Live in harmony with people and nature
    Resolve my inner conflicts
    Learn how to jump rope
    Give more than I get
    Plant trees like my dad
    Be able to leave home without being homesick
    Improve my mindfullness
    Fly by paramotoring
    Start my own business
    Build my dream home
    Farm organically
    Be happy and optimistic
    Learn how to surf

    1. Paul, thanks for sharing;) usually we talk smack the two of us, but this is some serious stuff! Ah, and thanks for keeping us company along the way.

  2. Climb Kilimanjaro
    have a chicken scoop in my garden with hens and chickens =)
    live the Rhodope Mountains in a house without running water
    get a christiania bike

    xxx, dafi

  3. far from mumbling… philosophizing – good stuff!
    my bucket list? – just to be finished with this stuff – “Dopady různých zdrojů stresu na vnímané požadavky trénovaných chirurgů budou měřeny pomocí nástroje SURG-TLX (Appendix III).”
    paying the rent
    pretty sad huh?

    kiedy bede Kuba coz pisac?

    1. So happy to hear from you Dalton! Kuba claims that he is not a writer, but maybe I will be successful at tricking him into a writing about what is dear to him: look at the destruction of nature or philosophical take on the progress of civilization and transformation of third world cultures. As far as I know him it should take him 2-3 months/post, lol. Other than that paying the rent and finishing your assignment is rightfully #1. Love to you and Maya.

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